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Hello Moon, I just want to ask if you're still making your mod for Android because i really want to review it and see it^^ if not, i completely understand, I just wanted to ask.


Hey, I just wanted to apologize for being rude to you. I was upset about about the delay of the release of Gacha M&M. Again, so sorry.

Haven't been able to actually get it to work but i'm excited regardless.

Meu pai que mod estranho e maravilhoso 






what the...

Bro wtf---


Where's android? It should be out by now


Don't rush the developer. 🤨


chill tf out 


Says the one rushing an Android release, the developer has a life outside of the internet. Show some respect.  


Okay, okay sorry 😐



(+1) download-file/?file=https%3A%2F... Here's the link for Android


Can you add Android please🥺🙏


Yes pelase


Omg is it out?!


how are you suppose to put in it the folder? i download the 2nd one since the first wasn't working (the first one kept saying not a vaild zip file) when i download it i'm stuck from there because i havn't done this before


download the .zip file and use WinRAR to extract it


When will android version come out


hopefully by the end of this week

no it's been over 20 days

It has been 3 months how is the mod doing for the android version? no rush of course.

i didn't like it so much but it's a 10/10 mod


Please put this out for Android(≡^∇^≡)

Moon is working on it!

it dosent work for me at all

use WinRAR to extract the .zip file. otherwise it won't work


Can you pls make a mobile ver pls😁

Sure, it'll be done later this week.

Ah....... I can't deletet the gacha cafe because i have many.. can i kepp it pls.?

please do delete gacha cafe. Mix & Match is meant to be a replacement for it.

It says 'windows cannot open the file' help?

you have to use WinRAR to extract it

paraandroide plissss

Later this week.

i did what u told me to do on pc but it doesn't work and make my pc bug can u fix that?

Depends on what message it shows you.

Android verr pls

Later this week.

I put them all in a folder and it still isn't working, I'm not sure what to do now

Did you click on gacha club.exe for it to start up?

Can you add an Android version if it is ok

I will, some days later.

ok ty!

(2 edits)

If the first version doesn't work, then download the last 5 elements and put them all in a folder, that way it will work.

The mod isn't working for me, it won't let me extract the zipped files

Let me see what I can do then.

Hello,I hope everything went fine at your community.if it won't happen again.let us know.I'm sorry about some of your developers stealing your assets designs.just let us know.seen we like your mods so far.with gacha cafe's.

Thank you for your comment and everything's good now.

I cant wait

Como você fez o mod? Eu realmente quero muito fazer meu modo -w-

Me manda uma DM no discord e conversamos, se não me conta

(1 edit)

Is the mod going for ipa/apple & zip/PC

For PC 100% since I'm making it on PC, but for apple, I don't think so, sorry.

Aw my friends has apple/ ios


it's ok

When I looked at the logo

My mind:Holy sh!t this is a masterpiece I have never seen before, PUT THIS IN A MUSEUM

Haha, thank our designer Arovix for it

Is it going to be for Android

It is!


Cuando es el lanzamiento?


When is the release?

Isn't decided yet sorry ^w^

oh okay

Any leak from this mod yet?? :D

In the disco

amei a logo/i love the logo!

I love it too! :D

i love the logo!

I'm glad u do!

I can wait to play your new mod and I'm sorry that one of your designer is a tracer

I'm glad to hear that and don't worry, everything's good now!

So far so good!


Thank u! 

(3 edits)

And im excited for ur new mod:>


Thank u! 


(1 edit)

Moon, btw there is a website that allows gacha cafe but I dont know if it has all the assets also idk if it's the actual mod :/

I don't think I can do anything about it

oh much longer :'D


(1 edit)

i lost my account i am

Josie 42r

  lol i am happy you are making a new mod =]

Thank you for being happy haha


can tell us release date pls because i been waiting for something cool and pls dont have them overight the outfits- plssss <3


What does overight mean? And I don't have a set release date yet.

like over right the clothing our outfits time stuff idk how to explain :'>

Sorry for correcting you, but it's spelled "overwrite"

Ohh, I'm only adding new assets, not replacing old ones.

oh yeah its fine ^^

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